I will post scholarship information that you just arrived to you today, Tuesday, due to the Friday holiday. Please check frequently because this is the time that scholarship information arrives in our office.
Elks National Foundation--2014 Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Visit www.elks.org/enf/scholars/mvs.cfm or stop by the guidance office for information.
Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund
This is a primarily need based scholarship. The deadline is March 31st. The application and additional information can be found in the guidance office.
Empire Beauty School Scholarship for those interested in pursuing a career in Cosmetology.
Visit www.empire.edu/highschoolscholarships
St. Anne's Credit Union of Fall River
Deadline is January 21st.
The criteria are academic performance, financial need, extracurricular activities, community service.
Please come to the guidance office for a scholarship.
Bristol Warren Educational Association
The deadline is April 11th. Applications can be found in the guidance office.