Friday, March 7, 2014

This week's scholarship information....

We received quite a few scholarships into our office this week.

First Congregational Church
This is a need blind $1000 scholarship.    The applicant must graduate during the 2013-2014 and must have been accepted to a 2-4 year college/university and be actively involved in the community.   A short essay is a component of this application.   The application can be found in the Mt. Hope Guidance office.

Navigant Credit Union
This scholarship is open to any graduating senior entering an accredited junior college, college or university or tech school.   The deadline is May 2, 2014.    Interested students should apply at

Deanna M. Brule Educational Fund Scholarship
This is for a Warren, RI resident who will pursue an educational in a 2 or 4 year of higher learning.    Two recipients will each receive a $500.    The application is the guidance office.   The application must be postmarked by May 1st.

Jessie Molasky Scholarship
Applicant must be a graduating Mt. Hope senior who has been accepted to a four year college.   The applicant should intend to pursue teaching or library science.
Application is available in the guidance office.

People's Credit Union
Applicant or parent/guardian must be a member of People's Credit Union.   This application requires an essay.   Applications are available at the guidance office.   The completed application is due April 2 to People's Credit Union.

3rd Quarter Progress Reports


Today, students received their third quarter progress reports.    If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress to date in a particular course, please contact the teacher or your child's guidance counselor.