Friday, December 7, 2012

This Week's Scholarship Information--December 7th

We have received information about the following scholarships:

Raymond E. Soucy Scholarship Tradesman Scholarship:  This award will be presented to an individual graduating from Mt. Hope High School who is intent on pursuing a career as a tradesman or technical specialist, including fields in the building industry, health field technician and similar fields.    For more information, please stop by the high school guidance office for criteria and application form.   The deadline is April 27, 2013.

Paul F. Ronci Memorial Scholarship Trust has been established by his parents to provide an annual scholarship to a full-time student who has attained academic excellence, demonstrates financial need, is a RI resident, aspires to further the good of humanity and who otherwise displays leadership skills and a desire to better society.    You must be in the top 10% of your class.   Additional criteria for application can be found in the high school guidance office.

Pete Sepe Memorial Scholarship 2 $300 scholarships will be awarded to two Warren residents (one male, one female).   Applicants should plan to attend an accredited institution of higher learning, be a Warren reside, senior member of a high school athletic team and displayed sportsmanship. Applications are available in the high school guidance office.
New England Institute of Technology Scholarships and Contests:   Contests are designed to encourage students to explore career choices.   More information can be found at   Additional information can be found in the guidance office.

There are six scholarships from Roger Williams University to attend RWU.   Additional information and flyers are available in the guidance office.

Michael Andrade Memorial Scholarship (Mt. Hope High School Graduates)  This is a four-year full tuition and fees scholarship to RWU.  Students must have maintained a B average and combined Critical Reading and Math SAT score of at least 1000.  Preference will be given to undergraduates who intent to major in construction management, engineering or architecture.   February 1, 2013 Deadline

Mt. Hope High School Scholarship (Mt. Hope Graduates) A four year $10,000 scholarship awarded annually to graduates of MHHS who maintain a B average and have a combined Critical Reading and Math SAT score of 1000.   February 1, 2013 Deadline

Harold Payson Memorial Scholarship (Bristol Residents only) A four-year full tuition scholarship awarded annually to a Bristol resident who is graduating from high school and will attend Roger Williams University.  Application deadline: February 1, 2013

Bristol Memorial Grant (Fireman-Bristol Residents Only) A four-year, full-tuition scholarship awarded annually to a candidate who has resided in Bristol for at least two years and has graduated from an accredited American high school, who is an American citizen or permanent resident without previous college experience; who has filed a formal application for admission and financial aid; who qualifies for admission to the university; whose parent or grandparent serves or has served in the town fire department; who maintains a full-time student status.   Application deadline: February 1, 2013

Bristol Memorial Grant (Policeman-Bristol Residents Only)A four-year, full-tuition scholarship awarded annually to a candidate who has resided in Bristol for at least two years and has graduated from an accredited American high school, who is an American citizen or permanent resident without previous college experience; who has filed a formal application for admission and financial aid; who qualifies for admission to the university; whose parent or grandparent serves or has served in the town police department; who maintains a full-time student status.   Application deadline: February 1, 2013

The Caesar Brito Memorial Scholarship: The scholarship is available annually to an entering freshman majoring in engineering.   The recipient must be a Bristol, RI resident at the time of acceptance to the University, must have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.   In the event there are no applicants who have declared engineering as a major field of study, residents majoring in other disciplines will be given consideration.   Application deadline:  February 1, 2013

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Support the Mt. Hope Yearbook at the Barnes and Noble Bookfair

Barnes and Noble will support the Mt. Hope High School Yearbook by contributing a percentage of your Barnes and Noble purchases on December 10, 2012.

Visit the Bookfair at the Barnes and Noble in Middletown.   Hours of the book fair are from 9 to 9.   Please make sure that you tell the cashier that you wish to support Mt. Hope High School yearbook.   All purchases, even those in the Starbucks, qualify as a support  purchase.

The yearbook sales, vocal ensemble and complimentary gift wrapping will be available from 6-8 p.m.

Please join us!

PSAT Scores Available Friday, December 7

Any student who took the PSAT at Mt. Hope High School in October will receive his score report in homeroom tomorrow, December 7.    The score report will identify areas of strength and weakness that can be addressed prior to taking the PSAT.  If you have any questions about the score, please contact your child's guidance counselor.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Scholarship Night--January 17th--SAVE THE DATE

The Mt. Hope Guidance Department will host a scholarship information night on January 17, 2013 from 6-7 p.m. in the Mt. Hope High School Library.    Ms. Shelly Honeycutt of the East Bay Chamber of Commerce will provide you with information to find the vast amounts of scholarship money that is out there.   

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bristol Warren Educational Foundation Holiday Thank-a-Teacher

The Bristol Warren Educational Foundation (BWEF) has requested that the following message be distributed to the community.

Last week we kicked off our "Holiday Thank-a-Teacher" drive!  This is an unique opportunity for you to make a donation to BWEF in honor of a special teacher, coach or other faculty memeber.    In exchange, each recipient will receive a personalized Holiday Greeting Card thanking him/her for service. 

BWEF is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting excellence in the Bristol Warren School District.  This school year, the BWEF award $42,800 in grants.   The Community Strings Project is a perfect example of a BWEF-funded program.   Honor your child's teacher this holiday season by giving the perfect gift--a thank you.   Just visit the BWEF website: to make a donation today.  The Thank-a-Teacher drive ends Friday, December 14th. 

Thank you for your time and generosity.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Survey Works 2013

Mt. Hope will participate in the Rhode Island Department of Education school reform initiative, Survey Works.   All Rhode Island students in grades 4-12 are asked to participate in this survey that asks for students' opinions about their educational experiences.   All responses are anonymous.   However, if you do not want your child to participate in the Survey Process, an opt out form will be sent home with your child on December 4th.   Please return the opt out form to Ms. NiCastro in the high school guidance office by December 17.    If you would like to look at the survey, you can review the survey online at   A copy will also be available for your review in the high school guidance office.

Parents are also invited to participate in the SurveyWorks.   Information about how you can take a survey will be forthcoming.

Students will begin to take the SurveyWorks survey in January 2013.