Welcome back! The opening day of school went smoothly. Next week, we will hold our class assemblies. During the junior assembly, students will learn about the exciting academic and extra-curricular activities that occur during the junior year.
There are some important points of information that I would like to share with the blog community for our junior students. First of all, NECAP Writing, Reading and Math testing will begin on October 1st and conclude October 11th. Also, juniors can elect to take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 16th at Mt. Hope High School. This test gives students practice and valuable information before sitting for the SAT in the spring of junior year or fall of senior year. Students may pick up registration forms for the PSAT in the Guidance Office. The fee for the test is $25. Checks should be made payable to Mt. Hope High School. The deadline for registration is Monday, September 23rd.