Wednesday, April 24, 2013

College Essay Writing Workshops

Tackling the college essay is one of the more daunting tasks for any high school senior in the throes of the college application process.    This is one of the tasks that students usually leave for the fall of their senior year when they are filling out applications, taking SAT's, getting used to the demands of a senior year schedule, playing sports, working, trying to enjoy their senior year and juggling their busy lives.    Writing the essay typically lands at the end of the student's to do list.

This summer, I will offer college essay writing workshops during the month of July to Mt. Hope Class of 2014 members.   These workshops will be small two-three day work sessions so that students can write, receive feedback about their writing and revise.  

If you think that this is something that your child would like to attend or that you would like your child to attend, please have your student come to the guidance office to sign up for the workshop.   Once I have an idea of interested participants, I will create a schedule that offers your child some options that work for him.