Friday, December 14, 2012

Have you been accepted? Congratulations:)

For those of you receiving those hard-earned college acceptance letters, congratulations!   If you would like to allow Mt. Hope to celebrate your accomplishment, please bring in a copy of your letter to your guidance counselor and we will announce it on the HNN.  

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Announcement from BWEF

Per the request of the BWEF, I have posted the letter from Jock Hayes, BWEF Board chair.

Dear Friends,

It's likely that you recently received a letter (see attached) from me on behalf of the Bristol Warren Education Foundation (BWEF), appealing for support of our 3rd Annual Drive for Educational Excellence, “Better Together" is the theme for the drive. I want to thank those who have responded with support and encourage those who may be considering a donation.

This drive represents a significant portion of BWEF's annuals fund-raising effort and we are committed to seeing that your donation goes straight to work impacting the lives of the students of Bristol and Warren.

Here are just a couple of examples of BWEF supported programs this year…

• POW!Science Night (held in each district elementary school) -

Here's a look at the more than $43,000 in grants funded by BWEF this year...

As a direct result of support from people like you students will participate in programs focusing on a range of disciplines such as math, science, filmmaking, literacy, music, art, communication, foreign language, physical education and community building, using both school and community resources. Thanks to strong support from the community through the Annual Drive for Educational Excellence and other fund-raising efforts BWEF is able to continue its support of these world-expanding programs. BWEF has awarded over $125,000 in grants since its inception in 2007.

No gift is too small. Consider this: If each household in Bristol and Warren donated $0.01 per day, that’s right $3.65 a year, BWEF would double its capacity to deliver innovative programs to the classrooms of Bristol and Warren. Now that’s Better Together. 

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation online at 
or mail your donation to:
PO Box 543
Bristol, RI 02809

Happy Holidays,
Jock Hayes
BWEF Board Chair

Blood Drive on December 14th

The Winter Blood Drive is this Friday, December 14. Students may sign up at lunch on Tuesday or Wednesday.  There are multiple posters around the school with specific information about the requirements.  Also, students may visit for more information. 
The average donation takes around 45 minutes from start to finish. It is safe and confidential.  One pint of blood can help up to three patients.  It is a way for students to help others without involving money.

Important Information about the Flu in Rhode Island

The Rhode Island Department of Health has asked that schools post the following information.   I respectfully request that you pass the information along when you can.    Best regards, Jennifer Copeland

 State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 

 Department of Health 
Three Capitol Hill 
Providence, RI 02908-5097 
401-222-5960 / Ri Relay 711 
December 7, 2012 
Dear Parent or Guardian, 
Over the last few days the number of flu cases in Rhode Island has increased greatly. In the past, when the flu has hit Rhode Island this hard at this time of year we faced very severe flu seasons. 
The good news is that the flu vaccine being used this year is very effective. Everyone older than six months of age should be vaccinated against the flu. Flu vaccine will help you stay out of the doctor’s office and the hospital, will help your children stay at school, and will help prevent the spread of the flu in your home. 
Where can you be vaccinated? 
Children and adults can be vaccinated at doctors’ offices or at public clinics. Adults can also be vaccinated at pharmacies (for example, CVS, Rite Aid, or Walgreens). 
For a list of public clinics, visit or call the HEALTH Information Line (401-222-5960 / RI Relay 711). Staff on the HEALTH Information Line can direct you to a clinic where there is no charge for flu vaccination and where health insurance is not required. 
Other important tips to stay healthy 
 Wash your hands often throughout the day. Use warm water and soap. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand gel. 
 Cough or sneeze into your elbow. Flu is spread through coughing or sneezing on other people or into your hands. Cover your coughs and sneezes to prevent others from getting sick. 
 Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs spread this way. 
 Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious foods. 

If you think you have the flu 
 Check with your doctor. 
 Rest, drink plenty of fluids, and avoid using alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco. 
 Consider using over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, or aspirin to relieve symptoms. Children younger than 19 years old should not be given aspirin to treat the flu. 
 Stay home from work or school until you have been fever-free (temperature less than 100.4ºF/38ºC) for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications. 

If you have any questions about the flu or flu vaccine, call the HEALTH Information Line 
(401-222-5960 / RI Relay 711) or visit I wish you and your family a happy, healthy holiday season. 
Michael Fine, M.D. 
Director of Health 

Friday, December 7, 2012

This Week's Scholarship Information--December 7th

We have received information about the following scholarships:

Raymond E. Soucy Scholarship Tradesman Scholarship:  This award will be presented to an individual graduating from Mt. Hope High School who is intent on pursuing a career as a tradesman or technical specialist, including fields in the building industry, health field technician and similar fields.    For more information, please stop by the high school guidance office for criteria and application form.   The deadline is April 27, 2013.

Paul F. Ronci Memorial Scholarship Trust has been established by his parents to provide an annual scholarship to a full-time student who has attained academic excellence, demonstrates financial need, is a RI resident, aspires to further the good of humanity and who otherwise displays leadership skills and a desire to better society.    You must be in the top 10% of your class.   Additional criteria for application can be found in the high school guidance office.

Pete Sepe Memorial Scholarship 2 $300 scholarships will be awarded to two Warren residents (one male, one female).   Applicants should plan to attend an accredited institution of higher learning, be a Warren reside, senior member of a high school athletic team and displayed sportsmanship. Applications are available in the high school guidance office.
New England Institute of Technology Scholarships and Contests:   Contests are designed to encourage students to explore career choices.   More information can be found at   Additional information can be found in the guidance office.

There are six scholarships from Roger Williams University to attend RWU.   Additional information and flyers are available in the guidance office.

Michael Andrade Memorial Scholarship (Mt. Hope High School Graduates)  This is a four-year full tuition and fees scholarship to RWU.  Students must have maintained a B average and combined Critical Reading and Math SAT score of at least 1000.  Preference will be given to undergraduates who intent to major in construction management, engineering or architecture.   February 1, 2013 Deadline

Mt. Hope High School Scholarship (Mt. Hope Graduates) A four year $10,000 scholarship awarded annually to graduates of MHHS who maintain a B average and have a combined Critical Reading and Math SAT score of 1000.   February 1, 2013 Deadline

Harold Payson Memorial Scholarship (Bristol Residents only) A four-year full tuition scholarship awarded annually to a Bristol resident who is graduating from high school and will attend Roger Williams University.  Application deadline: February 1, 2013

Bristol Memorial Grant (Fireman-Bristol Residents Only) A four-year, full-tuition scholarship awarded annually to a candidate who has resided in Bristol for at least two years and has graduated from an accredited American high school, who is an American citizen or permanent resident without previous college experience; who has filed a formal application for admission and financial aid; who qualifies for admission to the university; whose parent or grandparent serves or has served in the town fire department; who maintains a full-time student status.   Application deadline: February 1, 2013

Bristol Memorial Grant (Policeman-Bristol Residents Only)A four-year, full-tuition scholarship awarded annually to a candidate who has resided in Bristol for at least two years and has graduated from an accredited American high school, who is an American citizen or permanent resident without previous college experience; who has filed a formal application for admission and financial aid; who qualifies for admission to the university; whose parent or grandparent serves or has served in the town police department; who maintains a full-time student status.   Application deadline: February 1, 2013

The Caesar Brito Memorial Scholarship: The scholarship is available annually to an entering freshman majoring in engineering.   The recipient must be a Bristol, RI resident at the time of acceptance to the University, must have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.   In the event there are no applicants who have declared engineering as a major field of study, residents majoring in other disciplines will be given consideration.   Application deadline:  February 1, 2013

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Support the Mt. Hope Yearbook at the Barnes and Noble Bookfair

Barnes and Noble will support the Mt. Hope High School Yearbook by contributing a percentage of your Barnes and Noble purchases on December 10, 2012.

Visit the Bookfair at the Barnes and Noble in Middletown.   Hours of the book fair are from 9 to 9.   Please make sure that you tell the cashier that you wish to support Mt. Hope High School yearbook.   All purchases, even those in the Starbucks, qualify as a support  purchase.

The yearbook sales, vocal ensemble and complimentary gift wrapping will be available from 6-8 p.m.

Please join us!

PSAT Scores Available Friday, December 7

Any student who took the PSAT at Mt. Hope High School in October will receive his score report in homeroom tomorrow, December 7.    The score report will identify areas of strength and weakness that can be addressed prior to taking the PSAT.  If you have any questions about the score, please contact your child's guidance counselor.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Scholarship Night--January 17th--SAVE THE DATE

The Mt. Hope Guidance Department will host a scholarship information night on January 17, 2013 from 6-7 p.m. in the Mt. Hope High School Library.    Ms. Shelly Honeycutt of the East Bay Chamber of Commerce will provide you with information to find the vast amounts of scholarship money that is out there.   

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bristol Warren Educational Foundation Holiday Thank-a-Teacher

The Bristol Warren Educational Foundation (BWEF) has requested that the following message be distributed to the community.

Last week we kicked off our "Holiday Thank-a-Teacher" drive!  This is an unique opportunity for you to make a donation to BWEF in honor of a special teacher, coach or other faculty memeber.    In exchange, each recipient will receive a personalized Holiday Greeting Card thanking him/her for service. 

BWEF is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting excellence in the Bristol Warren School District.  This school year, the BWEF award $42,800 in grants.   The Community Strings Project is a perfect example of a BWEF-funded program.   Honor your child's teacher this holiday season by giving the perfect gift--a thank you.   Just visit the BWEF website: to make a donation today.  The Thank-a-Teacher drive ends Friday, December 14th. 

Thank you for your time and generosity.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Survey Works 2013

Mt. Hope will participate in the Rhode Island Department of Education school reform initiative, Survey Works.   All Rhode Island students in grades 4-12 are asked to participate in this survey that asks for students' opinions about their educational experiences.   All responses are anonymous.   However, if you do not want your child to participate in the Survey Process, an opt out form will be sent home with your child on December 4th.   Please return the opt out form to Ms. NiCastro in the high school guidance office by December 17.    If you would like to look at the survey, you can review the survey online at   A copy will also be available for your review in the high school guidance office.

Parents are also invited to participate in the SurveyWorks.   Information about how you can take a survey will be forthcoming.

Students will begin to take the SurveyWorks survey in January 2013.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Do you know someone who plans to apply to Roger Williams University?

Mrs. Cabral, Mt. Hope Librarian and Media Specialist and RWU alumna, has RWU application fee waivers available for Mt. Hope students.    If you are applying to RWU and would like to save the $50 application fee, please see Mrs. Cabral in the library.    Waivers are available until January 2nd on a first-come, first-served basis.   

Scholarship Information---November 30

We received information this week about the following scholarships:

Massachusetts Credit Union League: $1500 scholarships.   There will be one scholarship per chapter.   Eligibility is limited to high school seniors who will be enrolled in an undergraduate college degree program during the 2013-14 academic year; applicant or parent/guardian must be a member of St. Anne's Credit Union; crediut union must be in good standing with league; submit a current scholarship application and form with other required materials to St. Anne's Credit Union.    A student must also complete an essay.   The application and information can be found in the guidance office.    The deadline is February 1, 2013.

B. Davis Scholarship: $1000.    Information can be found at   The deadline is May 27, 2013.

Rhode Island Association of Chinese Americans Scholarship: The goal of the scholarship is to promote Chinese culture and heritage among youth.   The criteria include academic excellence, a commitment to interest in Chinese heritage and culture and provide service to the local Chinese community.    More details and materials can be found at

Monday, November 26, 2012

Financial Aid Night--December 4th

There will be a Financial Aid Night for students and families on Tuesday, December 4th from 6:30-7:30.   The College Planning Center of Rhode Island will present the ins and outs of applying for financial aid.   Please join us in the Mt. Hope High School Library.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

School Improvement Team Meeting

There will be School Improvement Team meeting on Tuesday, November 27th at 2:35 in the Library Classroom.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Parents' Advisory Council Meeting

The Parents' Advisory Council will meet with the administration and guidance counselors on Monday, November 26th at 6 p.m. in the Main Office Conference Room.   

Friday, November 16, 2012

Scholarship Information--November 16th

This week in the guidance office we received information on several scholarships from    More detailed information on each scholarship, as well as applications, can be found at

Stephen J. Brady Scholarship--applicants must have on-going commitment to community through volunteer activities

Davidson Fellows Scholarship---applicants must be a U.S. citizen and have completed a significant piece of work in one of the submission categories

Gilbraitti Scholarship--applicants must write an essay and apply prior to March 1.    Applications can be found at

Odenza Marketing Group Spring Award--Applicants must complete an essay and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher

10 Words or Less Scholarship---Applicant must answer the question on the sponsor's website in 10 Words or Less

BBG Communications Scholarship--Applicant must submit two essays.   

Report Cards--November 16

Report cards were issued to students in homeroom today.    If you have any questions about your child's progress, please contact the teacher or your child's guidance counselor.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Scholarship Information for the week of November 9

We received information on the following scholarship opportunities this week:

1) Hood Sportsmanship Scholarship: Hood awards three $5000 scholarships to students in each of the six New England states.    In order to be eligible, students must have earned a cumulative 3.0 GPS or high and performed volunteer work in the community.    There are essay and additional application requirements.   A copy of the information can be found in the guidance office.    You can also visit for more informatiion or call Lorraine Wark, program coordinator at 2077723119, ext. 21.

2) American Legion:   For more information visit:

3) Army ROTC 4-Year College Scholarship Program: Complete information is available in the guidance office or visit http:///    The initial application deadline is January 10, 2013.

4) Rhode Island College:   Each year the Department of Music, Theatre and Dance award the Helen Forman Scholarship to one student in each of the disciplines.   It is a four year full-tuition scholarship and is awarded on the bases of exceptional abilities in the performing arts disciplines.    There are also several Student Talent Award Scholarships.    All students interested in majoring in these performing arts majors must audition.     Additional information is located in the guidance office.   You can also call the Department of Music, Theatre and Dance at 4014569883 or visit the Facebook page

Monday, November 5, 2012


Tomorrow is Election Day.   Classes will not be held for students, but teachers will be engaged in professional development.   Classes will resume as usual on Wednesday, November 7th.   

Happy Voting!

Information from Senator Reed's Office--Financial Aid Workshop and Congressional Appointments

Senator Reed has just provided us with updates for College Bound seniors.   

The deadline for students seeking military academy nominations has been extended to Monday, November 5th.   For students who have already submitted their application files to Senator Reed's office, the appointments for Thursday, November 8th and Friday, November 9th will continue as previously scheduled.   

If you would like to send Senator Reed a message, please contact him by visiting,

Friday, November 2, 2012

Norwich Academy 22nd Annual Service Academy Night

Norwich Academy will hosts its annual service academy informational night at the Danversport Yacht Club, Danvers, MA on Wednesday, November 7th.

Congressional staff will be present to discuss the Academy Appointment, Selection and Nomination process.

For more information, please contact Capt. Ed. Bryant USCGR at 9783565453 or or LTc Collins at 8024858004 or

This week's scholarship information

This week we received the following scholarship information:

Tuition Break for New England Residents: New England Regional Student Program
Learn about the tuition rates for in-state schools in New England.    Information can be found at

Ithaca College's Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship program
A scholarship program for academically exceptional students from underrepresented populations.   Information can be found in the Mt. Hope Guidance Office.

Villanova University offers two academic merit-based scholarships.  The deadline is December 1 for the Presidential Scholarship Nomination and Villanova Scholarship.   More information can be found in the Mt. Hope Guidance Office.

The United States JCI Senate Foundation Scholarship Program.   This scholarship is awarrded to high school seniors who plan to continue their education at accredited post-secondary colleges, universities or vocational schoool.    Application forms can be found in the guidance office or email   The deadline is December 20th.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Change to the end of 1st quarter

Due to Super Storm Sandy, the end of the first term will now be Friday, November 9th.    Report cards will be distributed to students on Friday, November 16th.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

New England Tech Night

New England Tech will host an open house on Wednesday, November 7th from 4-8 p.m.   New England Tech has a new campus at One New England Tech Boulevard in East Greenwich, RI.   You will be able to tour their innovative labs and classrooms, talk with instructors and meet with Financial Aid and Admissions Officers.   For more information, go to

Friday, October 19, 2012

Scholarship Information Update

We have received information and applications for the following scholarships:

Rhode Island Polonia Scholarship Foundation:  The primary requirements for this scholarship are Rhode Island residents of Polish-American descent and U.S. citizen and academic qualification of B or better.

Bristol County R.I. Elks Lodge No. 1860: Any high school senior who is a U.S. citizen is eligible.

Applications are available in the guidance office.

Bowdoin Informational Meeting

Interested prospective students have been invited to learn more about Bowdoin College.    The program will include a presentation about academic and student life at Bowdoin College.   The representative will also detail the admissions process.   The informational meeting will be held at Rocky Hill School in East Greenwich on Tuesday, October 30 from 7-8:30 p.m.

Directions and map available at

Writers Wanted....A Chance to Volunteer

The After School Writing Enrichment Club at Hugh Cole School needs student volunteers.   This year, 60 elementary school students joined the club.  With so many interested enthuiastic children, the program organizers need your help.   In this club, cach child writes and creates his own book.    If you like writing, working with small children and giving back to your community, this may be the perfect place for you to do what you love.   The club meets on Tuesdays from 3-4 and runs through May.   Student volunteers earn 2 hours of community service per week.

If you think that this could be the right fit for your talents, please contact Mrs. Linda Rimoshytus at    

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Senator Reed's Financial Aid Workshop

Senator Jack Reed will host his annual College Financial Aid workshop on Thursday, November 1 at 7 p.m. in the Cranston High School West Auditorium.   The address is 80 Metropolitan Avenue, Cranston, RI.   The workshop is free and open to the public.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Attention family and friends…The 2013 Mt. Hope High School Yearbook is now on sale!  This year's book will be printed entirely in color!! Visit to make your purchase with debit/credit card, PayPal, or electronic check.  This special offer of $70 is only available until November 2nd. The cost of the yearbook will increase after that don't wait! Order today! 

NECAP Make-Up Testing

Tomorrow is the last day to make up a part of the NECAP test that you may have missed due to illness.   The tests will be administered tomorrow in the library classroom at 8 a.m.    Please call your guidance counselor if you have any questions.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Take your fitness to the next level

Are you looking to increase your speed, agility, endurance or all of the above?  

There is a pre-season conditioning program offered by Olympic Physical Therapy, free of charge, to all Mt. Hope athletes and students.  The program runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6-8 p.m in the Mt. Hope Gym and Wellness Center.  The program begins on October 10th and ends on November 9th.    

Rhode Island Regional College Fair this Sunday

Click the button to watch the segment from The Rhode Island Show to find out about the college fair that will take place this Sunday.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mid-Quarter Progress Reports

Mid-quarter progress reports will be issued to students tomorrow in homeroom.   If you have any questions about your child's progress, please contact your child's teacher as soon as possible.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Have you ever considered fighting fire?

Today, I met with Robert Martin, Chief of the Bristol Fire Department.   He would like to offer a course to train young people to become volunteer firefighters.   Typically, participants in the course must be 18 years or older.   However, Chief Martin has decided to open the course to anyone over the age of 17.     During this course, students will be trained to become volunteer firefighters.   If this is a career that you think that may interest you, volunteering is a great way to learn about the career while building your resume.   You will become a more viable candidate for college and careers because of the rigorous training that you underwent in order to perform this public service.  

The course is offered to students who are Bristol or Warren residents.   The course will begin in January 2013 and run through May 2013.   The training will be one to two nights a week, as well as Sunday morning.  

If you are interested in enrolling in this course, please contact me at    

NECAP Testing Resumes Tomorrow

The first two days of NECAP testing, Writing, went well.   Students took the test seriously.    All seemed to finish on a confident note.

Tomorrow, NECAP testing will resume.   Tomorrow students will take the Reading portion of the test.   Again, students should report to homeroom and then students will proceed to their test sites.  The reading portion will conclude on Friday.    Fortunately, students will have the break of a long weekend before taking the Math sections on Wednesday and Thursday, October 10th and 11th, of next week.

Any student who was absent from any of the testing days should plan on taking the make up for their missed section beginning on Friday, October 12th.   Students should make contact with their guidance counselors.   This year the absences have been minimal, so I would like to thank students and their families for making a concerted effort to test.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Citizens Police Academy Accepting Applications

The Bristol Police Department is currently accepting applications for its Citizens Police Academy.   It will begin on October 2nd.   Classes will meet on Tuesdays from 7-9 p.m. for ten weeks.  Topics for the academy will include department structure, patrol procedures, dispatch operations, narcotics, search warrants, CSI, domestic violence.    Students must be in good academic standing.   Any interested students should contact Patrolman Brian Morse, School Resource Officer.   He has applications available.   The deadline is 9/28/2012.

Friday, September 21, 2012

SAVE THE DATE--Tuesday, December 4th

Mt. Hope High School will host its annual Financial Aid Workshop for high school seniors and their families on Tuesday, December 4th from 6:30-7:30 in the Mt. Hope High School Library.  Courtney McEntee, assistant director of the College Planning Center of Rhode Island, will explain how to apply for financial aid, types of financial aid available and the free services the that the College Planning Center offers to you.   

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

NECAP Testing

As you are aware, per the Rhode Island Department of Education, students in the class of 2014 and beyond, students must earn a score of partially proficient or above to earn a high school diploma.   All eligible members of the class of 2014 will take the NECAP at Mt. Hope High School beginning on October 1st.   The entire NECAP testing schedule was published earlier this week on the blog.

Due to the important nature of this test, we respectfully request that students and families minimize student absences during testing.    If there is a situation that is absolutely unavoidable that necessitates your child being absent during one of the testing days, in addition to calling the attendance office, please contact your child's guidance counselor.

One of the best things that test takers can do for themselves is to get a good night's sleep and eat a comfortably nutritious breakfast.    

If you have any questions, please contact your child's guidance counselor.

Reminder: College Informational Workshop

The College Informational Workshop will be held Thursday, September 20th at 6:30 in the Mt. Hope High School Library.    Senior, juniors and their families are encouraged to attend.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Members of the Class of 2014 will take the required state testing, NECAP, beginning Monday, October 1st.    On October 1st and 2nd, students will take the writing portion.  On October 4th and 5th, students will take the reading portion.   On October 10th and 11th, students will take the math portion of the NECAP.

NECAP October 2012 Testing Schedule

October 1st
Day 2
October 2nd
Day 3
October 4th
Day 5
October 5th
Day 6
October 10th
Day 1
October 11th
Day 2
Extended Time in Library

Please note that on testing days, students will report directly to their homerooms.   

Friday, September 7, 2012

McCoy Stadium College Fair

The College Planning Center of Rhode Island will offer its 3rd Annual College Fair at McCoy Stadium in Pawtucket.    It anticipates over 100 colleges and universities attending.   This fair is a good chance for you to gather information about your options for post-secondary education.   The fair will be held on Wednesday, September 19th from 6-8.   Free parking will be available.   If you would like to pre-register, visit the website at

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Information from the IRS about applying for Financial Aid

I have embedded the text of an email that was sent to school officials by the IRS.   In the email, it explains how the IRS provides tools to streamline the application process for Federal financial aid.   I hope that you find this information useful.

Hello Everyone,

 I have enclosed some information you should share with your staff and students.

 College-bound students and their parents sometimes face last minute requests to complete or provide additional information for financial aid applications. 

The Internal Revenue wants to help by minimizing time spent on the completion of the Department of Education’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). By using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, applicants can automatically transfer required tax data from their federal tax returns directly to their FAFSA form.

This IRS tool is a free, easy and secure way to access and transfer tax return information onto the FAFSA form. Using the tool saves time, improves accuracy and may reduce the likelihood of the school’s financial aid office requesting that you verify the information.

Here are some tips on using the IRS DRT:

  • Eligibility Criteria  To use the IRS DRT  to complete their  2012 -2013 FAFSA form, taxpayers must:  
    • have filed a federal 2011 tax return,
    • possess a valid Social Security Number,
    • have a Federal Student Aid PIN (individuals who don’t have a PIN will be given the option to apply for one through the FAFSA application process), and   
    • have not changed marital status since Dec. 31, 2011.

  • Exceptions  If any of the following conditions apply to the student or parents, the IRS Data Retrieval Tool cannot be used for the 2012 FAFSA application:
    • an amended tax return was filed for 2011,
    • no federal tax return was filed for 2011,   
    • the federal tax filing status on the 2011 return is married filing separately or
    • a Puerto Rican or other foreign tax return has been filed.
Applicants who cannot use the IRS DRT to meet college requests for verification, may need to obtain an official transcript from the IRS. Transcripts are not available until the IRS has processed the related tax return. To order tax return or tax account transcripts, visit and select "Order a Transcript" or call the toll-free Transcript line at 1-800-908-9946.

In addition, the IRS offers money-saving information for college students and their parents about tax credits and deductions for qualifying tuition, materials and fees.  If you could please include the information on your website. Thank you for your assistance in helping us help our students! Thank you!

Find more information at the IRS Website: 


Holly Longley
Sr. Stakeholder Relationship Tax Consultant 
380 Westminster Street
Providence, RI, 02903
401-528-1881 (phone)
401-528-1870 (fax)

Mt. Hope School Improvement Team

The MHHS School Improvement Team will resume its meeting schedule on Tuesday, September 25th.   Meetings will be held on the last Tuesday of each month in the Mt. Hope High School Library.   Meetings begin at 2:35 and end at 3:30.    Parents and community members are invited to join this team.   If you require further information, please contact Jennifer Copeland at

Important Clarification--Teacher Professional Development Day--September 11th

Teachers will have a professional development day on Tuesday, September 11th.   Students do not attend school on the 11th.    Please note that Thursday, September 6th is a regular day for students and teachers.   

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mt. Hope to Host Annual College Fair

Mt. Hope High School will host its annual College Fair on Friday, September 28th from 8:00-10:30 a.m. in the high school cafeteria.    As of this post, 18 colleges, university and technical schools have committed to attending our event.    This fair will allow students to gather information about programs, admission criteria and application information.  Students and families will be able to ask knowledgeable representatives questions specific to the school or program.    If you would like to attend, please email Mrs. Patton at or call 4012545980, ext. 3021.     

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mt. Hope Hosts College Informational Night on September 20th

If you are a senior or the parent of a senior, you are about to embark on the journey through the college application process.   The guidance staff will host an informational night on Thursday, September 20th at 6:30-7:30 in the Mt. Hope High School Library.   During this presentation, you and your families can learn how to begin the process that can be daunting.    The guidance counselors will explain the process--searching for colleges that may be the best fit, beginning the application process, ordering test scores, asking for letters of recommendation and writing the college essay.   Time will be devoted to explaining the online College Application which is used by hundreds of colleges across the country.   If you are planning to attend the session, please email Ms. Nicastro in the guidance office at

Mt. Hope Open House--September 27th

The annual Open House will be held on Thursday, September 27th from 6:30-8:30 at Mt. Hope High School.   Families will have the opportunity to go through their children's schedules, meet the teachers and learn the expectations for each course.    Open House is the first step that we, educators and families, take to develop the partnership as we work together to educate your child.  

Nestle Very Best in Youth---Great Opportunity

If you are young person or you know someone who has made a difference in the community, please consider applying for the Nestle Very Best in Youth award.    Nestle celebrates and supports students who make a positive impact in the community.    Since 1997, Nestle has honored more than 230 young people and donated more than $1 million to organizations that these students have supported.  Students between the ages of 14-18 are eligible for this award.   Consider applying at    If you require more detailed information, email or call 18185496677.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Mt. Hope High School will administer the PSAT, Preliminary SAT, on Wednesday, October 17th at 8 a.m.    I strongly advise juniors to register for this examination.   It is great practice for the SAT.  More importantly, your results will help you and us to identify your strengths and areas that we need to target for further growth.   Also, students can register for the scholarship service when taking this test.  The fee for this test is $25.  Information will be given to juniors in homeroom.     Students should register for the PSAT in the guidance office with Mrs. Nicastro.   We will begin to accept registrations on September 4th.   The deadline for registration is Wednesday, September 26th.   The fee for the test is $25.   Please make your check payable to Mt. Hope High School and write your child's name and PSAT in the memo line.   Upon registration, you will be given a booklet with more detailed information about the test. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Change for Freshmen--Important

All freshmen should report to their homerooms on the first day of school, Tuesday.    This is a change from what was previously announced at the cookout and on the blog.    Freshmen can find their homeroom assignments in the Mall Entrance or on their schedules.   We will dismiss freshmen to the assembly from their homerooms.  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Great turnout tonight!

Thank you to all of the students and families for coming to the 9th grade cookout tonight.   The turnout was more than we could have anticipated.   

All freshmen should report to the auditorium on Tuesday.  From the auditorium, we will hold a brief assembly and then send you to your homerooms. 

See you Tuesday.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Updated schedules will be available on Thursday, August 23rd

Many students came in this summer to pick up their schedules.   Updated schedules will be available to students on Thursday, August 23rd after 9 a.m. in the guidance office.    Schedules will also be provided to students on the first day of school, August 28th in their homerooms.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Women in Science and Engineering at Brown

Brown University and its Women in Science and Engineering group will host a physical science-based quiz bowl tournament, the Athena Science Challenge, this year on November 3rd and 4th.   The program aims to promote math and science among high school girls.   If you would like more information on the program, please look at AthenaScienceChallenge.Com.   If you are interested, speak to your science teacher about creating a team.  

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Class of 2016, Save the Date

This year's Freshman Cookout for the Class of 2016 will be on Wednesday, August 22nd at 5:30 at Mt. Hope High School.   The cookout is a nice introduction to people and the high school.    You can catch up with friends that you haven't seen all summer, have a hot dog, get your schedule, take a tour and find your locker.  

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Class of 2013 Painting of the Rocks

Seniors, it is your turn!   The time honored Mt. Hope tradition of the Painting of the Rocks will be held on Monday, August 20th at 1:00.   Please remember to wear clothes that you would not mind enhancing with a little purple and white paint.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Days to go...

The first day of school for all students is August 28th.

College Board Testing Accommodations

I want to inform you of a service available for students with disabilities from the College Board, the educational testing service that administers the PSAT, SAT, SAT Subject Tests and Advanced Placement examinations.    The College Board has created a process that allows students with disabilities to receive accommodations on its tests.  

As a parent, you may apply for accommodations on your child’s behalf.  You will be required to fill out the paperwork and provide the necessary documentation to the College Board.  The College Board website provides information about documentation guidelines.   The information and forms that you need to begin this process can be found at    The deadline for the October administration of the SAT is August 17, 2012.   The deadline for the PSAT is August 29, 2012.    With limited exceptions, once the College Board approves accommodations, students may use these accommodations on all tests administered by the College Board.  

If you choose to apply for accommodations on your child’s behalf, our Services for Students with Disabilities Coordinator, Ms. Lisa Martin, will be available to answer questions that will help you apply for the accommodations.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Guidance Counselor Assignments

Beginning this school year, the guidance office will have a dedicated 9th grade guidance counselor for all of our freshmen.   Mrs. Nappi will serve as the guidance counselor for all of the students in the Class of 2016 during their 9th grade year.   

Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 have been assigned to a counselor based upon a student's last name.   The counselor assignments are as follows:
A-E, Mrs. Terri Brodd
F-N, Mr. Brian MacDougall
O-Z, Mrs. Sherry Atkinson

Friday, August 3, 2012


Many of you and your families have been by the guidance office to pick up your schedule for 2012-2013 school year.   It has been great to see the enthusiasm that everyone has for the start of a new school year.    If you find that there is an issue with your schedule, i.e. not enough credits, please schedule an appointment with your guidance counselor.   Guidance counselors will return on August 20th.  

Coming Soon....

The Guidance Gazette will be available to you as a blog.    Subscribe to get the most recent news from the Mt. Hope High School Guidance.